Saturday, 18 August 2012

Our First Assembly

We ran our first assembly on Friday. It was a lot of great learning, planning and practicing with our buddy classes. Fantastic assembly, we are very proud of you all! Thanks to all our family and friends who came to watch and celebrate our learning with us. Here is the video - in case you missed it...every assembly is streamed live and then archived on the Russell Street School website. So where-ever you are in the city, country or world, you can watch it as it happens - pretty neat, huh?

Video streaming by Ustream

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Patterns to Five

We are learning to instantly recognize patterns to five. Can you say how many shapes there are, before they disappear?

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Fast Words

Hi,  Little Einsteins!
You are learning to read "fast words". These are the words that appear often in your reading and writing. How many of these words can you read before they disappear? Leave a comment to tell me how you get on! Good luck!