Thursday, 27 August 2015

Writing Numbers

Today, we wrote numbers on the whiteboards. Everybody worked very hard.
 Fantastic number writing, everybody!

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Dice Patterns

We are learning to count to ten, and to know patterns to 10. Dice patterns are a great way to see a number. Today we arranged groups of objects like the number we rolled on the dice. We are practicing our counting, getting sets of objects and learning the dice patterns, too.

Writing Time

Wow, today we all wrote independently. Lane and Lyric did "magic writing" - that means they wrote letters across the page and then told me what their story said. Emma is working on her picture plan, about going swimming with her sister. 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Emma's Counting

We are learning to write numbers and get sets of objects.
Emma is a very careful counter. She counts her beans by pointing at each one and putting the beans in tidy rows. That is great because then she doesn't count one twice by mistake, or miss one out.
Great maths, Emma.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Living Things - Ideas for Your Hat...

 Maybe you could make a bird?
 Or a jungle animal?
 Or a sea creature?
 Or a savannah animal?
 Or a farm animal?
 Or an animal from the antarctic?

Get your thinking caps on!

Ryder from Sandi and Robin's class is modelling our hat for the production. Everyone will get one of these to decorate, cut, flatten, build onto, paint...what ever we design - with one condition: 


So - have a think with your families about what living thing YOU might like to be. You can collect and bring bits and pieces to use, too. We are going to decide/start working on our design on Monday.

Hats for the Production

On the last Monday evening of term, we are having a whole-school show around the theme of "Life".
We are making hats for the wearable art section of the show, and we will learn a dance to accompany Nic's class as they show THEIR wearable art.

On Monday we made practice hats. We were trying out ideas and working out what was easy, what was hard and what we would fix next time.
 What a lovely, even circle of sparkles, Emma! That flower is pretty, too.
Wow, Lyric - how did you get those pom-poms to stay on? Clever!
Sophie - you experimented with LOTS of different materials. I wonder which will stick the best?

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Meet our First 2015 Little Einsteins!

 Emma, Lyric and Sophie are our first three students for 2015! Welcome to school - you are all FANTASTIC learners.
Today we read "In the Garden" - we are learning to point at each word as we read it. Carolyn put a butterfly sticker on our pointing finger and we made sure the butterfly landed on each word as we read it.
We were all VERY careful readers. Wonderful learning, all of you!